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A cradle for Ukraine
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In terms of health on a global level, although there are some areas in which the situation is improving, such as in countering the spread of diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS, other objectives still seem far away: an example is the reduction of the mortality rate of mothers and children. In many areas and multiple situations, a healthy and above all safe life habitat is not guaranteed for mothers and their offspring. Such is the case of the Ukrainian territories ravaged by the war: for some time now they have failed to provide a suitable habitat for mothers and children, who have been forced to flee their homes. Among the 17 points that characterize the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030, the 3rd is to ensure health and well-being for everyone and all ages. What does the point consist of more precisely? All the main health priorities are addressed: for example, maternal and child health, transmissible, non-transmissible, and environmental diseases, facilitated access to facilities and medication, and universal health coverage. With a view to the well-being and health of mothers and newborns, and to pursue SDG point 3, Magniflex has been eager to be a part of the 'A Cradle for Ukraine' project, a solidarity initiative launched in spring 2022 in favor of families of war refugees. The role of Magniflex, which has embraced the SDGs line for some time now, has been to manufacture and supply mattresses to be included in special self-assembling cradles that are the protagonists of the project. It all begins with the idea of Valerio Vinaccia, founding designer of the Woodly company, which is committed to designing and manufacturing eco-friendly furniture. The goal is to ship 1,000 boxes of necessities for babies to Ukraine (pacifiers, creams, wipes, bottles, diapers, blankets, sheets, and, precisely, a mattress): once emptied, each box transforms itself in just a few simple steps into a special cradle to be set up with the contents. The ingenuity of the concept lies in the fact that the cradle designed by Vinaccia is self-assembled via an interlocking system without the need for glue or anything else. The reinforced cardboard with which it is made allows it to be resistant but at the same time light to transport. The cardboard packaging also features quick-release plastic buckles, which can be used to ease transportation or to temporarily hang the cradle. This feature is inspired by traditional Ukrainian cradles, made of wicker and equipped with ropes: this makes it possible to swing them or in any case keep them raised from the floor if necessary. The project stems from a collaboration between the National Confederation of Crafts (Confederazione Nazionale Artigianato, CNA) of Parma and the Munu’s Foundation, an organization engaged on more than 30 different humanitarian relief levels and which also took care of the fundraising part of the project. The cradles were manufactured and shipped to Ukraine also thanks to the invaluable help of the Yellow Cross of Parma. Part of the funding came from the Azimut group. Magniflex was ever so eager to be a part of this important project with the hope of guaranteeing a useful services in a time of such dire need.

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