It was once a source of pride, care and sacrifice that lasted years. Today, it is a forgotten custom, but the bridal trousseau is a tradition that has spanned generations upon generations of italian families. It is a piece of our history and our identity. According to tradition, the bride's relatives would make a gift to the new-formed family that included clothing, lingerie and undergarments. The trousseau (which would sometimes include a 'dowry' of money, required in Italy under the law until 1975) 'spoke' of the family, representing its taste and above all, wealth in the eyes of others. A 'typical' bridal trousseau included several items that, even for wealthy families were numerous: 12 or multiples of 12. The information available on the Internet refers to the Gentleman’s etiquette and has allowed us to draw up a list that includes:
double bed
- 2-12 pairs of linen sheets
- 4-6 pairs of linen and cotton sheets
- 2-6 sleepers in linen and cotton
- 4-24 linen pillowcases
- 8-12 linen and cotton pillowcases
- 2-4 linen and cotton blankets
- 2-4 wool blankets
- 1-2 feather or wool quilted blankets
single bed
- 4-12 pairs of linen and cotton sheets
- 2-6 sleepers in linen and cotton
- 2-6 linen and cotton pillowcases
- 2-6 wool blankets
- 1-3 wool plaids
- 1-2 feather or wool quilted blankets
- 12-18 linen towels
- 6-12 sponge towels
- 6-24 guest towels in linen
- 4-12 bathroom sheets in linen or sponge
- 2-8 bath mats
- 12 towels in linen and cotton
- 4-12 towels in linen and cotton
- 4-18 glass drying cloths in linen
- 6-18 dishtowels in linen and cotton
- 6-18 pot drying cloths in hemp
- 6-12 kitchen cloths
- 6-12 dust cloths
- 6-12 floor cloths
- 1-4 sets of linen tablecloths for 6 (white)
- 2-4 sets of tablecloths for 6 (coloured) in linen and cotton
- 1-2 sets of tablecloths for 12 (white) in damask or embroidered linen
- 1-4 sets of tablecloths for 12 (coloured) in linen and cotton
- 2-6 sets for cart in linen
- 1-2 tea placemats in linen
- 1-2 tea placemats in linen and cotton
- 6 nightgowns
- 4 white/pink petticoats
- 2 black petticoats
- 1 white/pink petticoat
- 1 black petticoat
- 6 bras
- 2 or 3 evening bras
- 12 pairs of panties
- 1 wool robe
- 1 summer robe
- 1 silk bed jacket
- 12 pairs of socks
- 2 or 3 bustier