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Stretching before bedtime
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Magniflex is intensely focused on providing the best quality of sleep to its customers. Today we’ll be talking about the benefits of stretching and how performing this type of exercise before going to bed can help improve the quality of our sleep. For starters, stretching helps us focus on our body and breathing as opposed to the things that caused us stress throughout the day. It also helps us relieve muscle tension and prevent any cramps that are likely to upset our sleep.

5 movements to perform every day

Here are a few suggestions of exercises you can add to your routine before bedtime. The goal is to maximize relaxation before you go to sleep. Bear hug: standing up, breathing in and opening your arms, and then exhale and fold your arms into a hug. Breathe deeply, and hold this position for 30 seconds while pressing the hands against the shoulder blades and moving your shoulders forward. To release the position, breathe in again and open your arms backward. Finally, exhale and repeat, this time inverting the position of your arms (i.e., if the left arm was atop the right arm during the 'hug', now the right arm should be atop the left arm instead). This stretching exercise works the rhomboid and trapezius muscles. Neck stretches: seated in a comfortable chair, raise your right hand above the head and move your right ear close to the right shoulder. After 5 deep breaths, repeat the same movement on the opposite side. Then, holding your chest firm, turn to look over your right shoulder, breathe in 5 times and then repeat the exercise on the left side. Lower your chin to your chest during the 5 breaths and resume a neutral position by letting your head gently drop backward for another 5 breaths. This will relieve any muscle tension in the head, neck, and shoulders. Kneeling lat stretch: kneeling in front of a chair, couch, or table, stretch your spine by bending forward with your forearms pointing towards the surface. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat up to 3 times. With your knees directly beneath your waist, this position can help relieve muscle tension in the back and shoulders. Child’s pose: kneeling on your heels, bend forward until your forehead touches the floor. You can hold your arms close to the body and stretch them forward for neck support. Hold this position for no more than 5 minutes. This exercise is perfect to relax your back, shoulders, and neck. Low Lunge: lunge your right foot under your right knee while stretching your left leg backward. You can place your hands on the floor beneath your shoulders, and knees, or raise towards the ceiling. After 5 breaths, repeat the exercise on the opposite side. This position stretches the hips, thighs, and groin area while also relieving any muscle tension in the back, shoulders, and chest (which should be wide open).

But is it possible to stretch while you’re sleeping?

The answer is indeed yes, thanks to the MagniStretch line of products by Magniflex: our technology helps you stretch and support the back even while you sleep at night. Visit our website and discover all our high-tech solutions for your sleep, but don’t forget also to exercise throughout the day!

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